Catching Up With The CEO

The New Moms Designs News crew caught up with our CEO to pick her brains. We were very inquisitive about a lot of things. We needed answers. We knew once we got the juice, we could report back to our loyal readers. Our goal always is to keep our readers in the know. So with out further or do get your glasses ready, cause we getting ready to pour the juice.

(Image by PDPics on Pixabay)

Catching up with the CEO wasn't easy. We knew we had to be precise and straight to the point. So we created a 4 question questionnaire. Then we staged an interview session. This is how the interview went.

New Moms Designs News Anchor

"First and Foremost Sheila we want to say thank you for giving the news crew a moment of your time. We know you are a very busy Momprenuer. If we may, we have 4 really quick questions we would like to ask on behalf of our readers."


"I am more than happy to answer any question you may have. My goal is to always try to be as transparent as possible. I never know what I may say that can help someone, especially another mom. So whatcha got."

New Moms Designs News Anchor

"First Question: What are the most important values a business should have in your opinion?"


" In my personal opinion the most important values a business should have is ethics and integrity. I'm very big on treating people with fairness and respect. I believe in equality. To me it doesn't matter the title or position a person may have, you still treat them fairly and with respect. You can dislike a persons ways, but they still deserve respect. Being able respect someone you particularly wouldn't choose to work with says more about your character as person than anything else. Being professional to me is more than just showing up to work in a suit or a skirt. It's how you carry yourself as a person. Your honesty when nobody is around to witness things is what builds character. I want character builders to work with and for me. So I'm very selective when collaborating with people or when picking employees."

New Moms Designs News Anchor

"Boy are we glad we work for you. OK.OK. Second question:Why did you decide to pursue a baby line instead of a line for moms? 


 "Well, in 2007 when I wrote my poems I wrote most of them as if my daughter was speaking to me. It was more encouraging to me, imaging such an innocent voice speaking to me who I knew was going to love me unconditionally. When I didn't have my oldest moms support at the time I felt like something was missing. Me writing my poems with my daughter's voice instead of my own reminded me of when I was a little girl wanting and needing my mom. Babies need their moms to be there for them, to care for them, to nurture them, protect them and most of all to love them. When you look at their little innocent faces it makes you as mom want to do whatever it takes to be the best for them you can be. At least that's what it did for me as a mom. Especially, with the situation I went through as child."

"So I implement the same concept into my business. I figured if I put the poems on baby appeal when that mom had to look at that little innocent face she would also see my words of encouragement. To me those to things put together would or should make that mom want to do whatever the apparel was suggesting, but also decide to be the best her she could be for herself as well as for her baby." 

"On a non mushy note, lol. I do have something in store for moms I can't really speak about right now. It's coming though."

 New Moms Designs News Anchor

"That was deep and very heartfelt. I felt that. I don't have kids but when I do, I know who to come to. Ok. Third Question: How does your Brand tie into your personal life?"


"My Brand doesn't tie into my personal life. My brand is my life and I am my brand. I was a new mom twice in my life time thus far. Once in 2007 and again in 2016. Both times I learned different things about myself as well as about my daughters. I'm still learning. The brand I'm building isn't for "style" it's to create a movement. A movement where moms decide and know that it's ok to pursue their dreams. Moms pursuing their dreams does a lot of different things. First, it allows mom to be the best she can be for herself and her baby. She doesn't have to put her dreams on a shelf and live vicariously through her child. Secondly, it allows the child a chance to be able to freely use their imagination to decipher what they want to be in life. They have a voice and a choice to choose. Last but not least it creates a bond between mom and child. They will experience laughs, pains, obstacles, victories and much more together in a learning space. A learning space is where mom and her child is educating their minds together. At the same time. Just in different areas and at different ages. It's quit a ride but it's rewarding. I've enjoyed and I'm still enjoying my ride with my daughters and they are totally in different age groups, lol."

New Moms Designs News Anchor

"We have been given some knowledge her today. We wanted the juice but we didn't know we were going to get the whole carton, lol. Alright, this is our last and final question although, we could do this all day. It's been like talking to your best girlfriend not your boss. Ok. Last question: How does your line fit into today's market?"


"How can I say this? My brand doesn't fit into today's market because it's not just a product for today. My brand and my products are for forever. It doesn't matter if it's 2019 or 2030. Women will always have babies and need encouragement as long as we are human. The feelings we feel as women when we become moms will not change as long as there is no rule book to go by. We can ask our friends for advice, our mothers, our mentors  and even our pastors but at the end of the day that mom has to deal with the feelings she's feeling and handle whatever it is as best as "She" sees fit. As a Brand I want New Moms Designs to be there to guide her through whatever it is in a positive encouraging way. If I have to create and recreate poems for different situations and circumstances moms go through I will, if it will promote health, wealth and a positive environment for a mom and her child. 

New Moms Designs News Anchor 

"Well you heard it hear first. Our CEO has officially spilled the juice and we were here to fill your cups. We have learned so much today. I hope as you've read this you felt encouraged, empowered and ready to began your journey with You and Your baby. The decisions are yours. We hope you take in the message and apply it to your life as best as you see fit. This is New Moms Designs News Anchor signing off. We'll see you again soon. Keep reading. 


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